We guide you through Holbein's watercolor paints, which deal in a wide variety of paints, paintbrushes, and other art materials.
We offer a wide variety of watercolors, including transparent watercolors, pan colors, gouache, and more.
Artists' Watercolor
Originally introduced in the early 1920’s and now available in 108 highly concentrated colors, Holbein Artist Watercolor is a transparent watercolor that preserves the brush handling qualities inherent in Japanese watercolor techniques.
Half Pan Watercolor
48 Brilliant and intense artist colors. Excellent lightfast ratings.
Instant Re-wetting properties.
Magnetic strip on bottom of each pan ensures strong hold to Steel palettes.
Artists' Gouache
Holbein Gouache is more finely ground than other competing products. No whitening agents are added to Holbein Gouache to increase opacity.
Holbein Gouache will always give consistent reliable results without “milking out”, darkening or muddiness.
Watercolor Medium
This is a series of mediums dedicated to watercolors and watercolor painting that broaden the range of expression and technique of artists.
It produces a variety of expressions that could not be created with water alone.